About US
- This website manages the appointment data for multiple doctors of various date and times.
- Each time a user visit a doctor his/her medical entry stored in the database by doctors.
- Next time a user logs in he may view his/her entire medical history as and when needed.
- The time - Saving Factor For Patients & Doctors
- The Ease Of finding a Spectialist Doctors WithIn The Website
- Improved Patient Care and Satisfaction with services
- Economic Feasibility:--
- Techanical Feasibility:--
- Online Doctor Appoinment Booking
- Doctor Listing With Search And filters
- Patient Profile
- Map Integration for locate near hospitals routes and locations
- Reminder & Notification
- e@Perscriptions Features
- Techanology Implemented
- Language Used
- DataBase Used
- User InterFace Design
- WebBroser Supported
- Processor
- Operating System
- HardWare Devices
- Hard Disk
- Display