Health Care appointment is an online portal for all your health care needs. Our team of medical experts are there for you in every step of the way from finding the right doctor and hospital booking appointments, from providing verified information to any kind of medical assistance in-between.We provide appointment system so that patient need not to face hospital crowd.It is also good for emergency purpose.Patient can utilize our website at anytime and anywhere.We helps you to be organized and plan your activities around your meetings with your Doctors.We manage your care through our secure online patient portal.
Dr. Shivani Gaur
Mumbai, Maharashtra
She is an expert in Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and in-fertility specialist for the past 10 year.She completed her medical and obstetrical qualification in mumbai in 2000 and was involved with treating the first cases of legal seurrogacy in India.
Dr. Jennifer Mieres MD
She is an expert in cardiology whose advocacy for inclusiveness and women's health are highly praised.She is the author of heart smart for black women and latinas and her decumentary and was nominated at the 46th annual Newyork Memmy Award.
Dr. Anil Arora
Guinness World Record and Limca Book of Records holder, is an internationally known figure in Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement.He has been performing Joint Replacements from 1988,experience of more than 32 years and 10,000 Joint Replacement Surgeries.
Dr. Shraddha Maheshwari
She is the third female neurosurgeon in mumbai and is ranked amongst the best today.Her passion and perseverance have made her an inspiration for many other women to follow this path.She has been learning for everyone including medical fraternity.
Health Disease,let's defeat,Keep a healthy Heart Beat
Kidney health is is your hands.
Laugh a lot. It clears the lungs
Eat Walnuts and get a healthy mind
Be Good to your skin,you will wear every day
Take Care of your Eyes as Eyes are the lamp of the body
Always wash your place
Always maintain social distance
Do Not touch your face
Always wash your Hands
Always use napkins to sneeze
Always wear a mask